Home, Work-Life

On Inspired Leadership- Employee Motivation

So, how do we develop those who feel like they are standing still as we zoom around checking things off our list? We remind ourselves that professional development and employee investment are among the greatest gifts we are given as managers - to take a person from green to golden, to watch as he/she evolves, to allow for opportunity, and to shine a light on his/her achievements - is a gift.

Health, Home, Self-care, Wellness

Ode to the Spring Head Cold & Simple Remedies for Relief

Simple, natural remedies that speed up the body's healing process and offer relief from your worst head cold symptoms.

Home, Lifestyle, Work-Life

Lifestyle Design for Realist- 10 Simple Steps

The problem - I knew that I was not meant to be in the same position for the next 5, 10, or 20 years. I knew that I was capable of more than I was limited to within the confines of my career. I knew I wanted to feel passionate about my work, and I wanted ownership of my own success as opposed to being buoyed to anyone else. I knew I wanted more freedom and not to sit at a desk for eight hours a day. I knew I wanted more. The question became, how do I achieve this?

Home, Work-Life

Why Stronger Corporate Culture is Needed, Now, More than Ever

What is occurring within companies that is creating an opportunity for such reckless and inappropriate behavior? Is it the modeling of actions that employees see among leadership, or perhaps the absence of a strong, leadership-driven corporate culture that fosters equality, education, and accountability.

Home, Lifestyle, Wellness, Work-Life

Yogic Philosophy for Work-Life Harmony

Apply these simple yogic philosophies to create more work-life harmony.

Best Sellers, Home, Lifestyle

Make Mother’s Day Memorable with these Thoughtful Gift Ideas!

It's official, Mother's Day is but a week away. Have you found a thoughtful gift that truly embodies your mom's uniqueness and style? If not, use the categories and links below to find the ideal gift and have it shipped directly to you door - or better yet- mom's door.  Wondering what to get your mom… Continue reading Make Mother’s Day Memorable with these Thoughtful Gift Ideas!

Home, Work-Life

Managing to Manage While Learning to Lead

Managing the Monkeys - The Perception Monkey While, for some, it may be hard to imagine, management is made up of thinking, feeling, empathizing humans. Shocking, I know, so let’s take a moment to sit with that realization. We are not the “them” in your push-pull analogy. Most management teams are simple made up of… Continue reading Managing to Manage While Learning to Lead

Home, Lifestyle, Work-Life

Lifestyle Design for Beginners – 10 Simple Steps

One day while catching up with my baby sister we stumbled upon the topic of lifestyle design. True to our personalities, we had both discovered this new approach on life, but from very different angles. Carolyn, or Koa as we so lovingly call her, had discovered lifestyle design on her quest for inner peace and… Continue reading Lifestyle Design for Beginners – 10 Simple Steps

Home, Work-Life

Series: Managing to Manage While Learning to Lead

  We don’t know what we don’t know. The title of manager is often perceived as interchangeable with leader, but are the two actually all that similar? As a manager, we become part of the leadership structure of an organization, we learn who and what we are managing, we learn the operational scope of our… Continue reading Series: Managing to Manage While Learning to Lead

Fitness, Home

Free Yoga and Pilates Classes – Where Do I Sign Up??

  “I am out of carrots. I am and out of sticks” As savvy consumers, we are always looking for a great deal. When it comes to exercise and the idea of joining a gym or signing up for classes, those carrots of a deal can often come attached to a very long “contractual” stick.… Continue reading Free Yoga and Pilates Classes – Where Do I Sign Up??

Home, Lifestyle, Self-care

Nail Rescue 101- The DIY Gel Manicure that Saved my Nails

It seems like a misnomer, a gel-based polish that could rescue your nails. For most who have experience with gel-based manicures, we know that the beauty of this shiny, light-capturing, nail-plumping treatment is usually followed by a second visit to the salon for the arduous task of removing the polish. For those who have tried… Continue reading Nail Rescue 101- The DIY Gel Manicure that Saved my Nails

Fitness, Home, Self-care

Find Your Fit

Life shouldn't only be about sacrifice and starvation (of the body, mind or spirit). It shouldn't be obsession or overindulgence that only makes us feel bad about who we are. Find balance by finding a healthier lifestyle and routine that fits your needs, and never allow anyone else to decide what you are capable of becoming.